Saturday, February 18, 2012

You can only Depend on Yourself to get out of a Rut

What about You?

You feel like you’re always doing for others and yet no one ever thinks about doing for you. The old saying is "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours", has vanished throughout the years and you can't take one more person stepping all over you. Then stand up for what you want and need. If people throw the guilt trip card then just rip it up and walk away. Life is stressful enough as it is.

Fill your life with positive not negative. You can't give handouts to everyone you know because, in the end you will always end up at the bottom of the barrel. Helping others is great and can be spiritually fulfilling but, if you keep giving until there's nothing left to give then you yourself will be another person in need of help.

Most times you can only depend on yourself to get out of a rut. Almost everyone is out there for themselves. What happened to "love thy neighbor?" Sharing is caring we all know that but, do we actually act upon it? Some...yes. How many and how often? Even some family members can tend to turn their noses up at you. It always seems to feel like whenever you’re in need of helping hands there isn't any but, when THEY need all hands are on deck!

Now, I may sound like I am saying screw everyone you know but, what I am trying to tell you is don't be gullible or a push over. You don't know who will turn their back on you but, you can't turn your back on yourself.

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