Monday, February 13, 2012

Torn Between A and B

Anonymous Says:
Dear Bekka,
After recently breaking up with the father of my baby, I found two really great guys. One of them is from my past and one is brand new. I'm torn between the two of them, ( we’ll call them A and B ) Currently I am with A.
He's a super sweet, amazing guy and he's got his head in just the right place. 
He has a great job, and definitely a promising future but, he’s not my type and I’m worried that I won't be able to fall in love with him. 

B has been in and out of my life for the past 4 years. He’s exactly my type and he loves me and my son to death. The downfall is, He is a party animal, ( says he will change, just needs a reason to change, meaning me and my son) he has a part time job and no license or car. But I like him a lot, possibly even more than A. How do I figure things out, Please Help!

Well Reader:
The heart wants what the heart wants even though "A" is a better provider if you can't see a future with him there is no point in trying. On the other hand if "B" doesn't straighten himself out, there is no point in fighting a losing battle. 
You will have to cut ties. Remember there are many fish in the sea. 
Your future may not have yet revealed itself don't settle for less. Even though a man says "I need a reason to change," doesn't always mean they will. Protect your heart and your son. Also, I would like to say why did it not work out with "B" all those other times? Exes are exes for a reason. Don't start a vicious cycle that you can't run from.


Anonymous said...

Bekka your right exes are exes for a reason. This person also needs to consider the role models she has her son around & having the different guys around & in & out effect the little boy.

Anonymous said...

Remember, love is not just an emotion, it is a commitment! In relationships we fall in and out of love all the time. It is true commitment to each other that will bring you through the tough times and and you will find the most joy.

Nice site!! C.D. in PA

Anonymous said...

i absolutely agree, and it never worked with B because i always went back to the father of my son, hoping we could work things out, which i eventually found out, is close to impossible!

Anonymous said...

Bekka for one thing revealed is not reviled , but to get to my point in commenting, the old saying is that a "leopard won't change it's spots" neither will a party animal for any reason.